Egypt's Presidential Bid, 400 Person Arrested

Egypt's Presidential Bid, 400 Person Arrested
Getty Images

A score of about 400 persons have been arrested over “riot incidents'’ in Egypt. 

The arrest is coming after President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi announced that he would run for a third term on Tuesday,3rd of October,2023.

His remarks sparked a rare display of public anger - viral social media videos captured protests in the north-western city of Marsa Matrouh.

The citizens were heard chanting "Sisi out" and calling for his decade-long regime to fall. Other videos showed clashes between demonstrators and the police.

A  privately owned Al-Manassa news website, quoted Saleh Abou-Attiya, the secretary-general of the Marsa Matrouh Bar Association, saying that 400 people, mostly "young men", had been detained due to the demonstration.

President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has been in power since he helped oust Mohammed Morsi, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, in 2013 amid mass protests against his rule.

Activists say the president's term in office has been marked by the brutal suppression of all opposition and the collapse of the Egyptian economy.

Egypt's presidential elections are scheduled to take place in December 2023.