Joe Biden Hosts Angolan President to Show Strengthened Ties, Plans Intention to Visit The Country

Joe Biden Hosts Angolan President to Show Strengthened Ties, Plans Intention to Visit The Country

On Thursday, November 30th, President Joe Biden welcomed the Angolan President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço to the Oval Office to reinforce his dedication to Africa, despite the ongoing conflicts that dominate his administration's foreign policy agenda. 

The meeting at the White House comes after Angola decided to establish itself as a valuable ally to the United States, distancing itself from Russian, and Chinese influence under President Lourenço's leadership. Although President Biden seems unlikely to fulfill his promise to African leaders of visiting the continent this year, senior U.S. officials have made significant trips to Africa throughout 2023.

Lourenço commended Biden's approach to Africa and expressed his country's desire to strengthen economic and security connections with the United States. He emphasized that the improved U.S. and    Africa relations were a result of Biden's leadership. 

Lourenço's lobbyists had been urging the Biden administration to arrange a meeting between the two leaders for several months, warning that the absence of such an important engagement could impact Angola's commitment to collaborating with the U.S. The lobbyists highlighted President Lourenço's decision to shift Angola's historical relationships with China and Russia in favor of a new and strategic partnership with the United States. 

They emphasized that this shift marked a significant change in Angolan foreign policy. The lobbyists informed Biden's confidant and the assistant secretary of state for African affairs that if President Lourenço could not meet with President Biden this year, there was a genuine risk of losing the positive momentum that both sides had built since 2017.

President Biden announced his intention to travel to Angola, a visit that may signify a rekindled commitment to Africa during a period of global uncertainty. 

When asked about his plans to visit the country, Biden expressed his previous experience and future return. However, he did not provide a specific timeframe for the meeting, and the White House did not offer further information when requested.