Kenya General Service Unit Camp Faces Violent Assault by Bandits

Kenya General Service Unit Camp Faces Violent Assault by Bandits
Capital News

Baringo County, one  witnessed a violent attack on a General Service Unit (GSU) camp in Kapindasum, Kenya. The incident happened on Tuesday at exactly 10 a.m. and escalated into a two-hour-long confrontation. 

According to local authorities, including Baringo police and Arabal location chief William Koech, the assailants targeted the GSU camp, with preliminary findings indicating that the attackers also surrounded Kapindasum Primary School, potentially putting occupants at risk. Both the teachers and students were confined to their classrooms afterwards, awaiting a response from the police.

Escape routes for the GSU officers were sealed off, which intensified the situation, and the motives behind the attack are still unclear as the attackers have not issued any demands.

According to reports, the assault came amidst an ongoing security operation in the North Rift region. The aim of the operation, conducted jointly by the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) and the police, is to eliminate armed militia groups that have long plagued the area, with sporadic attacks occurring throughout the operation, revealing the persistence of security challenges.

This incident highlights the continuing difficulties in addressing organized criminal activities in affected regions. It underscores the importance of ongoing efforts to establish security and stability in these areas, ensuring the safety and well-being of the local population.

The resurgence of attacks has raised significant insecurity concerns within the local community as peace is yet to be restored.