MALI: Military Advance Towards Kidal, a Stronghold controlled by the Rebels

MALI: Military Advance Towards Kidal, a Stronghold controlled by the Rebels

On Thursday October 5th 2023, the Malian military stated that a significant group of their troops had advanced near Anéfis, a crucial point on the way to the strategically important town of Kidal. The town is currently held by the Tuareg separatist rebellion, who have resumed their armed resistance against the central government.

The Malian army embarked on a mission to a rebel stronghold in the Kidal region and this operation has the potential to mark a significant shift in the ongoing conflict, which has persisted for ten years. 

The convoy on  Monday, 2nd October 2023,departed from Gao and set its sights on Tessalit and Aguelhok, both situated to the north of Kidal, with aim of seizing  control of camps that were being emptied by departing troops from the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)

Based on the junta's orders, the UN mission is obliged to vacate the country and has been transferring its camps to the Malian authorities. The separatists view the exit as a key catalyst for the renewal of fighting. Amidst multiple armed factions seeking dominance, the separatists are adamant about reclaiming control over the UN sites.