Nigerians To Be Deported From Germany

Nigerians To Be Deported From Germany

The German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz in a meeting with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in Abuja on Tuesday, November 7, provided an explanation for the potential deportation of 14,000 Nigerians residing in Germany.

The reason behind this action is the significant increase in the number of Nigerians seeking asylum. Many of these individuals lack proper identification cards, while others have demonstrated good behavior in their home country for the betterment of Nigeria. 

As a result of the Nigerian government's hesitancy to accept individuals without the required identification documents, around 12,500 Nigerians currently reside in Germany under a state of tolerance.

The statement expressed a willingness to work together to improve migration, with Germany open to returning well-behaved Nigerian nationals. 

Additionally, President  Tinubu hinted at the possibility of cooperation to address deportation issues. Nigeria is open to accepting individuals who have behaved well and stand to benefit from returning. "Nigeria is prepared to welcome them back “as long as they have behaved well, but only if they stand to gain something from it. Rather, we ought to cease providing the 640 million euros in development funding," President Tinubu said. 

The impending deportation of many Nigerians in Germany highlights the challenges faced by both countries in the process of migration. This ongoing matter revolves around acknowledging asylum claims, the lack of identity documents, and the need for cooperation.

 The future development of this situation and the terms agreed upon for repatriation to Nigeria are still uncertain, as Germany and Nigeria strive to find a mutually acceptable solution.