Police Teargas,Arrest Kenyan Teachers Protesting

Police Teargas,Arrest Kenyan Teachers Protesting
The Nation

In a tense confrontation, teachers protesting against the Teachers Service Commission (TSC)  decision to terminate their employment were met with teargas and arrested by the police.

According to reports, the teachers had initially signed letters of transfer, complaining about security issues in North Eastern Kenya. However, instead of receiving transfer notices, they were served with interdiction letters that ended their employment.

Frustrated by the decision, the teachers marched to Upper Hill in protest. During the confrontation, one teacher was reportedly injured, and an injured police officer was taken to the hospital. Additionally, 10 suspected teachers were arrested.

The teachers expressed their determination not to back down until their grievances were addressed and challenged the police officers to use teargas against them.

Over 129 teachers from various parts of the country had refused to report to their workstations in North Eastern Kenya, demanding improved security or transfers to safer areas. In response, TSC interdicted 60 of the 129 teachers, citing their actions as causing disruption in education in the troubled North Eastern region.

Julius Melly, the Chairperson of the National Assembly Education Committee, called on TSC to reinstate the interdicted teachers, emphasizing that it is impossible to teach when one's life is under threat. He argued that teachers should not have to attend to children while facing threats to their lives.

"You cannot teach when your life is under threat. You cannot attend to a child when there is somebody threatening your life," the Tinderet Member of Parliament stated"