Raila Odinga Denies Endorsing Kalonzo for 2027 Kenyan Presidential Elections

Raila Odinga Denies Endorsing Kalonzo for 2027 Kenyan Presidential Elections
Daily Post

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has refuted reports suggesting that he endorsed Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka as the presidential flag bearer for the Azimio Coalition in the forthcoming Kenyan 2027 General Election.

According to a statement signed by his Personal Assistant Dennis Onyango, Raila clarified that it was too early to declare a flag bearer. He explained that his commendation of the Wiper leader during the celebration of Oburu Odinga's birthday aimed to acknowledge the past support Kalonzo had provided to the coalition.

Raila emphasized that the selection of a flag bearer would occur at the appropriate time, and the leader in question must demonstrate a proven record with party membership.

Raila also expressed his belief that Kalonzo Musyoka had the capability to defeat Hon. William Ruto in a free and fair presidential contest. He assured Azimio supporters and the nation that he intends to remain active in party and national politics until 2027 and that his words of praise for Mr. Musyoka did not signify his departure from active politics.

It was previously reported that Raila Odinga seemed to endorse Kalonzo during his speech in Siaya County, where he defended the Wiper leader from comments made by President William Ruto about his potential as the Coalition's flagbearer. Raila highlighted their long history of collaboration and praised Kalonzo's courage, Christian values, humility, and love.