Sierra Leone: President Julius Maada Announces Restoration of Peace After Attack

Sierra Leone: President Julius Maada Announces Restoration of Peace After Attack

Sierra Leone's President, Julius Maada Bio, announced on Sunday evening, November 26 that peace has been restored after a day of armed clashes in Freetown. He characterized the events as an attempt to destabilize the state. According to him, most of the individuals responsible for the clashes have been apprehended. 

Mr. Bio made this statement on state television, emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace and stability. The day witnessed unidentified armed people trying to enter a military armoury in Freetown, engaging in confrontations with security forces throughout the capital, and liberating numerous prisoners. 

In response, authorities have implemented a nationwide curfew until further notice. Mr. Bio confirmed that the majority of the leaders behind these disturbances have been captured and will face accountability. Although a fragile calm has returned to the city, significant security forces continue to man checkpoints.

The exact number of casualties from the violence has not been officially revealed. Videos circulating on social media depict individuals in uniforms appearing to be detained near a military vehicle. Social media posts, accompanied by photos, reported that a former member of former President Ernest Bai Koroma's close protection unit, who participated in the events, was killed by security forces.

In a statement, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) mentioned an effort to confiscate weapons from the arsenal while also disrupting peace and the constitutional order, a phrase often associated with political coups. The European Union's local representation expressed worry and emphasized the importance of upholding the constitutional order.