The United States To Resume Cooperation with Niger Under Certain Conditions

The United States To Resume Cooperation with Niger Under Certain Conditions

In Niamey on Wednesday, December 13, the United States expressed its willingness to resume collaboration with Niger, as long as the military regime, which took control in a coup in July, agrees to a swift transition. 

Following the coup that ousted President Mohamed Bazoum on July 26, Washington halted its cooperation with Niger. The U.S. Deputy Secretary of State for African Affairs, Molly Phee engaged in talks with various Nigerien officials, including Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, who was appointed by the military, during her visit to Niamey starting on Tuesday.

She stressed that the military in Niger must set a deadline for a swift and credible transition to a democratically elected government. She stated during a press briefing on Wednesday that they are willing to resume cooperation if the military regime takes the necessary steps. 

The military proposes a maximum three-year transition period, which will be determined through a national dialogue. They have also agreed to find a satisfactory solution for the former president, his family, and his government members. The former president has been confined to his residence since the coup, and several former officials have either been arrested or fled the country. 

During a summit of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) presidents, it was decided to maintain heavy economic and financial sanctions on Niger until a short transition is achieved. The U.S. diplomat encourages the military regime to respond positively to the negotiation offers made by ECOWAS. 

In addition, the new U.S. ambassador to Niger, Kathleen FitzGibbon will soon present her credentials to the authorities, as confirmed by the Nigerien Minister of Foreign Affairs.